CYBER NYMPHS (@underwater_activist & @wetmewild)


We are the aquaphiliacs, deeply contaminated bodies of water. We are babies in love with a non binary, transitional, life-giving substance connecting every sparkle of existence on the ‘Blue planet’ at risk as never before. We come into the world through water. The joys of our sexuality are wet. Our reproductive system is disturbed by microplastic. We die dry without water under conditions of global warming, rising seas, acidification of the oceans, water scarcity, droughts, massive rains, melting icebergs, and floods.


The future forms of living and dying are uncertain; they depend on future evolutions. The Anthropocene has distanced us from Earth's oceanic beginnings and diminished the explosive diversity of life seen in the Cambrian period.
In the current Hydrocene, we fight against the impact of patriarchal capitalism on aquatic biodiversity loss. We envision a world of collaboration, love, and justice beyond speciesism.

*Hydrocene is the term coined by Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris to name both the epoch and the curatorial theory focused on water-based art practices and critical water-centered theories in time of climate crises.


We are the shapeshifters exploring the transformative qualities of living and death. We use water, sex, and creativity to make art with you. Play with our hydrosex toys, merging artistic research, performance, and digital art, or make your own to improve collective care for water through collaboration, circulation, and fluids exchange.


Focusing on aquatic ecosystems, we continue the ecosexual movement launched by Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens. WetMeWild and Underwater Activist are cyber_nymphs representing Central European and Baltic influences. We envision Slavic hydro-myths and merge Polish and North American culture in the performance “Cyber Wedding to the Brine Shrimp” to fuel the transcultural hydrosex movement in art. Hydrosexuals of the world, unite!


The future of togetherness emerges from the bleak context of inequality. We share a dystopian reality with marine animals, aquatic plants, and farm animals. We are part of a society exploiting the ocean for profit and consuming its inhabitants. Humans, seeking the pleasures of the plate, are privileged not to be preyed upon by other species. Our polluted bodies are far from innocent, yet we remain hopeful for a reduction in suffering, thirst, and dry seasons. Chickens, pigs, and cows are aquatic beyond compare!


We are the mothers of brine shrimp babies. Our babies were born out of a collaboration between queer artists and feminist scientists to embody curse through human-induced mass extinction and embody ideas of transspecies coexistence. 
In patriarchal societies, reproductive autonomy is often denied to women, leading to sacrifices and trauma. We believe love for the planet should be free from violence and control by cis men and corporate powers. We aim to transcend speciesism, advocate for environmental rights, and promote reproductive technologies to restore aquatic biodiversity, emancipate reproductive systems from gender bias and compulsory birth-giving.


We aim to connect artists, artivists, and scientists through the Blue Humanities Archive. This sustainable database is designed to document extinct aquatic environments and endangered species,
and to serve as a collaborative space for future-making hydrofeminist networks and research in digital art in service of the Blue Planet. Through this queer digital pond, where postnatural forms of nature coexist with their predecessors in diverse assemblages, we want to share immersive experiences of natureculture aquatic environments.

Part of the project is AR “Hydrosex manifesto” application
avaiable for Androids under the link: https://tinyurl.com/bdxewyjk.
Sound design: Kat Zavada